Wednesday, October 9, 2019

William Dolan "Cotton Candy"

William Dolan releases music video for “Cotton Candy” 
born entertainer, William Dolan began studying dance at the age of 4
and has trained in ballet, tap, modern dance, musical theater and hip
hop. A true musician, William now is an accomplished song writer and
plays the piano. Check out his new video “Cotton Candy” above!

Cotton Candy fun and sugar friendly
is a very talented young man who has excelled in academics, athletics,
and the arts. He has a passion for knowledge and has an amazing
memory. Always soaking up information, William constantly amazes his
parents and others with his breadth of knowledge in a wide range of
topics from science and technology, to history, culture, and popular

William loves to play soccer, tackle football,
cricket, and gymnastics. Whether it be a team sport or an individual
challenge, William shows dedication, a strong work ethic, loyalty, and
an amazing team spirit. In football, he’s the kid who will tackle an
opposing player and then help him up off the ground and check he’s
okay. These days though his focus is on gymnastics.

as smart and athletic as William is, his true love is the arts!
William began studying dance at 4 years old and has trained in ballet,
tap, modern, musical theatre and hip-hop. In the summer of 2017,
William was invited to attend IPOP in Los Angeles California. The
International Presentation of Performers is an annual event where
performers of all ages and from all over the globe come to attend
workshops with industry professional, audition for talent agencies,
perform and compete!

William plays the piano and
recently began guitar lessons. He enjoys writing lyrics and creating
his own beats and musical compositions. In 2018, William recorded his
first single “Cadillac” with music executive and producer Roy Hamilton
III. That year William was received a SOCAN Award for young Canadian
songwriters and launched a music video for Cadillac.

2019 William recorded 2 more original songs and launched music videos
for both on YouTube. William continues to write, perform in local
events, and is currently collaborating on a project with other artists.
In addition, William is regularly auditioning for TV and film roles
and over the last summer acted in a Disney Channel movie scheduled to
be released in 2020.

His talent is rivaled only by his
character. William is a kind, compassionate young man who feels deeply
about the importance of faith, family, and fairness. He has championed
the anti- bullying cause from a young age and promotes diversity and
respect of self and others with everything that he does.

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